Have you ever tried to give food to someone you thought was homeless and then it turned out they werent homeless?

big bottle beezwax^^^^rael big!
so apparently, when im not blackout drunk i dont have much to say which is somewhat upsetting. i guess. And with my new schedule which is school 5 day a week from 8-12:30 and work at 6 firty ayem on saturday i think my days of drinking may be over for a while which is somewhat upsetting. i guess. However, my drinking career is rather unfortunate when you look at it especially when it comes to alcohol i have chosen to drink. have you ever tried to drink a six pack of smirnoff ice? by the end your teeph are in huberendous pain. and there is definetley (whoa there) more than a little bit of sugar in there. when i was fourteent though these things were not a big concern for me because if i drank a forty, i would surely vomit. so after smirnoff ice i moved on to royal gate which totally ruled. post gate i began an affair with a raucous lover by the name of cisco which totally kicked my ass. here is the basic breakdown. one bottle=375 ml=2$. multiply that by 2 and you spent four dollars to get majorly drunk. i was heavy into cisco too. i was living in a wild world of not being sure if i had peed in my pants and terrible shooting pains in my arm. not only did it taste like heaven but it was quite the conversation piece with ladies at the partays. after drinking two a night several times a week some good freinds stepped in and stopped my filthy habit. BUT NOT BEFORE I THOUGHT OF SOME HELLA SWEET DRINKS INVOLVING CISCO!
1 bottle of cisco (preferably red. always preferably red. usually.)
1 half pint of hennessy
one word...blood...or maybe: 2TOOK! man, i chased the heem with the cisco and the good times started rolling almost immediatley! about tre fourts of the way through the cisco i started clanking (clanging?) the bottles toguether. and who doesnt like saying rags to riches. it kind of makes me think of the mighty ducks or the badnews bears. which both totally rule.
1 bottle of strawberry cisco
1 20 oz bottle strawberry soda
honestly i have only drinken this twice but the name is pretty sweet. dont ya think? for all you vaginas out there who cant handle the skrate up cisco, this is probably the drink for you. with only one bottle your really not going to be feeling nearly as shitty as if you had drinken two of them and thr strawberry soda certainly sooths the tum tum. little three ninjas referanttt right there. tell all your friends!
1 bottle of cisco (again, preferably red)
1 32 oz bottle smirnoff ice
this one is really a sweet mix of oldschool bone bidnit and newschool stink shit. im not gonna lie. i dont think im gay. i often crave moist orfices in broads. heh, a little more than often, are you with me fellas? yeah, i know you are. FUCK YEAH! if your looking for something between rags to riches and the darryl strawberry this is probably it. its pretty sweet too because if your out at a get toguether you can keep the cisco in your pocket and walk around with the ice in hand. if some folks try to talk shit about your 32 oz smirnoff, which is totally out of line, you can but out your cisco and wont they feel stupid. real men drink cisco. realer men drink smirnoff ice and cisco. you can mix then or chase it rags to riches style. its all you baby.
in conclusion, give these bad boys a whirl and keep it safe. and hetrosexual.
in conclusion, give these bad boys a whirl and keep it safe. and hetrosexual.
i have no idea how to use html. my hilarious pictures are going unseen.
Oh boy! That sounds like a crazy night!
good stuff right here
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