you are SO off my buddy list

Currently i am spending about 6 to 7 hours a day, five days a week, posted with a boner downtown. Its not as cool as it sounds. All i do is watch girls walk in and out of a store so naturally, i have become quite in-tune with fashion if i do say so myself. None of these girls ever talk to me though. Although one fine day, a superdooperlightweightbot started chopping it up with yours truly. I was so shocked that someone was speaking with me that i dont remember what i asked this botter but she said something, then i responded, leaning in a bit, in an excited sort of way. The result:

"Breath problem?" i asked her. she nodded, slowly, with disgust in her eyes. Pure hatred. radiating through her porous peepers. Good grief. Ive got hyphy youths fucking with me in oakland. Thinking they can snake me! make me look like a dooshbag! in front a woman! They were like sixteen too as though it was not enough, to suffer the humiliation of getting fucked with. they assured me i was quite lucky that my bike was still in my posession. Later, the woman i was with tried to assure me everything was ok. Broads just dont understand. IM A MAN BABY! A MAN!!! anyway, back at work I have not spoken with any customers, and understandibly, have no plans to do so in the future. I do know a lot about high-end womens denim though. If your jeans are less than $150 dollars and you have a vagina dont even fucking talk to me because you are a loser. i know that. i think i am gonna cop some sevens (if you dont know what sevens are you suck) and then go diving in the poon pool. sevens are like an $175 dollar ticket to that pool, and its always summer time baby. your gonna want to be in the pool. the poon pool. Thankfully, this is a figurative pool so i dont have to worry about exposing my chest hair to lots of people because that is a constant concern for me.
i feel so sick right now but for some reason i cannot stop smoking cigarettes. at least im draped in high end denim and lacoste. everything can go in a tortilla. If i were to be executed my last meal would be chilimacurrito with super finely chopped up orange chicken from panda express. with lots of cheese.
poor huberock, such a jaded loss preventor. the poon pool idea is great, and im sorry about your self consciousness regarding your chest hair.
You're, not your.
Watch you're back Dennis!
you clowns all need to step your (you're?) grammar game up. "you're" is a goddam contraction for "you are". not hard to remember. i'll give whoever the fuck this is above me some credit, cause it looks like they're (their? there?) joking. i hope.
anyway. this is my fav BB&B post yet. i've been really enjoying my bot-watching these days. to the point of being creepy. it rules.
this was indeed a great post my dumpy frumpy du. did you really get punked in oakland while con bot? thats mega weak. i got punked too once in front of jack wilson and now he totally wont let me hit even tho i offer the joog on this ab fab birthday cake i got from my momma, udig? ne ways..
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