What are my three favorite things in the world? Cigarettes, cheap food that doesnt have vegetables, and thick white chicks. Maybe bongs too but thats for another time. Missouri offers all of these things in surplus and although i dont like beer, while i was there i decided that because the refrigerator in my grandmommas basement was stocked to the max with busch light, i might as well indulge myself.
Cigarettes in the MO are about 2.50-3.50$ a pack. and thats good cigarettes. Premium baby. if you fancy cheaper cigarettes like liggets for example, then your looking at about a buck seven five for a pack. and for the smoker on a budget, you really cant beat that.
People often make fun of me because when i order food somewhere or i am preparing it myself, it contains no vegetables and if it does i simply will not eat it. As you can imagine this can become quite embarrassing. This is the kind of shit that flies when your eight but as i continue to grow older (and wiser) (and handsome-er) waitress are beginning to give me dirty looks. I have never been on a date in my lifetime but i imagine, the broad would not be too impressed when i request the chef removes all chunks of vegetables from the tomato sauce. living in san fran stinko this problem often occurs. i would say the main difference between Missouri and san francisco is that in missouri you have to ask to have vegetables with something where as in san francisco they think your a dooshbag if you cant get down with the greenery.
sidenote: if i could find a (thick)broad who would trade me sexual favors for me eating vegetables i could probably get down. unfortunately, they have trouble seeing what they get out of it. the satisfaction of me living longer. the longer i live the more funny jokes i could tell. yeah
of course the thick vagina havers
of course the thick vagina havers

back to the point. I was unable to find any actual research proving my point but people in missouri are generally a little more hefty than out here in the scosco. what a shame. skinny broads dont do it for pro-bono. Life is a little more simple out there i guess.
who hasnt seen coming to america? maybe i will go to missouri and pretend im not hella dumpster because you know, everyone here jocks me because of how dumpster i am. anyway, in missouri i will find my true love and then after we poke a couple times i will be like " guess what, im actually supergrimetime" then we will poke more?

this isnt a very good idea.
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