Monday, March 05, 2007

Could it be I am not as charming as I think I am?

I like having sex with girls. i just dont like talking to them. Im kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one. Bongs and Baytin are fun for a while but after a while one needs to at least attempt to add the bots into picture. So last night I tossed my scrotum over my shoulder like a scarf and went to a movie with a girl.

A little bit of advice for you eligable bachelors out there

1)If your going to buy clothing off crackheads, wash it before you wear it out to a movie with a girl you dont know very well. Im not the type of fellow to wear cologne or anything. Im reallying going for a more neutral smell. So no one thinks twice. What i wasnt going for was a hint of homeless. unfortunartely, this was the odor which lingered all abouts me during the three hours of watching Zodiac. then i dropped my mike and ikes all over the floor. Had i been by myself i would have tried to collect them off the ground for further consumption but I thought maybe that wasnt such a great idea. She brought me some reece's pieces which is my favorite candy so that was a good fall back.

2)Dont smoke weed before you meet up. I made several wrong turns which ended up being quite embaressing. Just walking around in everyday life I am incredibnly scared of pretty much everything. When put in a position where i am more or less supposed to impress a girl i dont know very well the results are pure embaressment on my part.

if we go out again im thinking of a couple sweet angles to play up. I might claim i have never recieved oral sex. That could begin a whirlwind of conversation and perhaps a whirlwind of brain for yours truly. unfortunately, this is the only angle i have thought of so far but with a little bit of gargantuan bong rips and some heavy brainstorming i might be able to come up with more material.

me and my bitch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

shit had me laughing real hard.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn, nice one on the date. why are you buying clothes off homeless people. don't you have a job and a home? fukin hilarious. i love the updates.

I want some desert food recipes as well. many more options and you only give us dinner recipes.

8:23 PM  

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