Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Great Hibernation

I just dont like music that is aboot pimping as i used to. I find it rather depressing. There are a lot of albums that I used to love that I no longer even fancy. It is just kind of gross.

anyway, as many people who smoke too much pot tend to do I come up with a lot of of ideas for movies or songs or stuff that I will never actually execute but rather just use it as conversational masterbation. But, the idea is for a short story about a guy who sits down after everyone leaves at a baseball game and has a garbage bag and collects all the discarded french fries so that he can bring them home to his family to feed them. He has a big freezer and he saves all the discarded food he collects. Left over chicken tenders are the holy grail of discarded food he finds.
During the end of the season, he must collect more than usual to save up for the off season. During the off season, they do not eat. This is why left over chicken tenders become so crucial.
The man is sad but he might make you want to cry because he is having such a difficult time collecting discarded food after baseball games. Some might say why not get a regular job where one could purchase food that has not not been eaten by someone else. But the truth is he just really likes baseball and even more than he likes baseball he likes to complain.


Blogger Thomas said...

I imagine it as a feature film where Clint Eastwood would play the lead role and Meryl Streep would play his depressed wife and it would win every academy award.

2:35 PM  
Blogger d said...

you might have a good chance of it being made, i mean the racist mel gibson beaver film was made. add a talkin animal and some kids and your golden.

i feel ye on pimpin but suga free is exempt despite being the perfect example of feeling bad listening to a (more than likely actual real-life) pimp talkin bout beatin up hoes cos hes hilarious. the nuremberg dudes shoulda just tried some gags in their defense. or had quik on the boards.

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Jon said...

god bless you

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Magic Flight said...

Bring it on people.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Arizer Solo said...

I am hibernating right now cause of my Solo Arizer vaporizer.

12:56 PM  

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