Stuck in a snack traffic jam? Get into the fast lane with Tom's Bacon Cheddar Fries!

the good lord spoke to me again last evening and informed me that my quesedillas were lacking something. that something, as it turns out, was Tom's Bacon and Cheddar fries. dont knock it till you try it. I understand it might not sound exactly appetizing and the thought of it now that i am not stoned out of my gourd doesnt sound to great all of a sudden but i put it on me bong that this is just about the best thing i have ever eaten in my life. no fake. here is how i prepared it:
i guess the only difference is that instead of just cheese and tortilla, you add bacon cheddar fries.
there you go
i make my quesedillas on the Foreman

yeah! knock out that fat!
unfortunately, Tom's bacon and cheddar fries totes a whopping 525 calories and 280 of those are from fat. I imagine the foreman still knocks out some of that fat. not that i care about that sort of stuff anyway.
the reason the foreman is so crucial for this delicious snack is that it presses the quesedilla toguether with the top. somehow the bacon cheddar fries fuse with the cheese and you are left with an amazing texture. i like to carefully press the cheese out from the middle so it oozes out onto the foreman creating a crispy edge.
for all you snack lovers out there who wonder sometimes if there is a forum for which you can speak to other snack lovers about new products and long time classics you are in luck for (sorry i am completely lost on how to do links and such) is really quite an amazing site which offers serious snackers a great forum for conversation.
if you dont like bacon i dont know why you are reading this blog.
get on my hype
hopefully you don't put a whole bag of bacon fries in the quessadilla. You should make a food book for people who embrace obesity, they would love your recipes
ill son... i wish i had a foreman.
tom's bacon cheddar fries quesadilla > chilimacurrito
jesse, i'm sure i speak for a lot of people when I say your diet is alarming.
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