Mary Kate and Ashley Lightweight Go Part 2

They cant stop...they wont stop.
I know you guys have not been able to sleep at not in high anticipation for more Mary kate and Ashley music videos! Well wait no nore! it was rough but i had to narrow it down to my next favorite four (my top four were featured in "Mary Kate and Ashley Lightweight Go Part 1" Obviiiiiiiiii) and the task certainly proved to be difficult. So here you go, the top eight MK&A music videos of all time in my opinion.
"Going Through Our Moms Stuff"
This song honestly goes. If I could get this song me would slaps it all day in my CD player. It is a wild trip through several decades of fashion. It really like 3 or 4 mini songs within one fantastic one. Unfortunately for me, going through my mothers stuff was not as educational or satisfying. I had a knack for finding things that I would have rather not seen which I do not wish to go into on the internets but rest assured, every time i went through my moms stuff, it ruined my week. Whatever you do, dont let my mothers vices stop you from enjoying the magic that is this song. It fuckin rules.
"Mummies Have Mommies Too"
Let us examine the "actor" in this music video. Was he excited when his agent brought him this part? Was he excited when he got this part? Did he tell his friends about it in a posotive way? Does he have any friends? What is he doing today? Does he put the fact that he was in this music video on his resume?
anyhoo, the beat cracks and once again MK&A go hard in the paint with their dance moves which are somewhat reminiscent of "Walk Like" which is my favorite MK&A song.
"Lotta Rocks"
Im not really sure what they were going for on this one. At first I thought it might be about selling crack. It wasnt. This is kind of like the "Sand, Sand, Glorious Sand" video in the sense that they seem overly excited by things that I look past on a daily basis. Like rocks and sand. I do sometimes wish, when I am ripping bong and watching T.V. while eating deep fried macaroni and cheese, that I could go back to a time when things were a little simpler. A time when if I wanted to rip a bong, I would have to kill a sheep and turn its leg bone into a bong. Sometimes I take for granted the fact that I can just mosey down to the store and buy a bong. I guess MK&A and I really look eye to eye on some important issues. This comforts me when I lay my head to rest at night.
"b-u-t-t out"
FUCK YEAH! fuck little brothers and sisters trying to tag along with you and your friends. B-U-T-T OUT! what a goddamn relatable problem. Here is a quote from the comments ont he youtube page, "Me and my friend Kimberly used to sing this to her little sister Nicole and we sang in front of their mother one day and we got in trouble." wow! way to take this fantastic song and cut and paste it right into your own life! The beat is packing some old skool swag. Although I can understand other people not wanting to hang out with their younger siblings, I always found life was much more interesting when my little brother was around. He really kept me on my toes with his nonstop lying and offering himself to do anything for $1. I remember once when i was little, me and my friend wanted to see "Mars Attacks" and i convinced my dad to take me. He agreed, as long as i didnt mind my little brother coming. My dad explained life was a littel give and take. good lesson. i cant have my bong and rip it too. life isnt always fair. Anyway, whether it was a movie or a baseball game, my brother was not in it for the entertainment, he was in it for the hot dogs. He must have been seven because his policy was one hot dog for every year he had been alive and I recollect him saying seven. He consumed his required seven hot dogs at a not so crowded west portal theatre and just before the invasion was on, he threw up EVERYWHERE! My dad had to walk out of the theatre, covered in vomit followed by my crying brother and me and my pissed off friend. GOOD LOOKIN OUT POPS! YOU GO!

Before ending this ode to MK&A I should explain that unlike some other extrememly rich people, MK&A werent given any money. They worked hella hard for it doing stupid ass shit like all these music videos which will haunt them for the rest of their lives. They lost their child hoods and look at them now. I dont want to come off as judgemental or anything but they seem like coke-head sluts. Which is a shame, they should have copped a couple pairs of jordans, a couple sweet bongs and just chilled out. So yeah, pro-bono has respek for people who work hard for the money even if they are hella weak.
I ate seven pieces of pizza when i was seven. I like any minimum food consumption policy. i like that you cant always have your bong and rip it too. very astute observations about MK&A.
how bout a little spell checking next time.
how bout a little shut up and let me doo my thang next time blud
ur homegirls just had noseyobs. i seen it on the la news last night haha. funny shit tho, a lil creepy, but funny nonetheless
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