Would Jesus Rip Bong?

Unless your a total idiot, you are up on whats happening in the supreme court with this big debate that kind of has to do with bongs. Up until quite recently (5 minutes ago to be exact) I was also living in a world where I was not aware of this, shall i say debate of the century. apparently, some really cool dude whose hand i would love to shake, thought (and was correct in thinking so) that it would be funny to put up a poster in his high school which read "bong hits for jesus." pretty good. I would have said rips but i guess he is from Alaska or some shit so he isnt as metropolitan as I am. Good for him though. If there is anything Highschool teachers dont like its bong references. this is where my teachers and I did not see eye to eye. Sparks flew. Sparks flew even more for this genius alaskan dude with his poster who was suspended for like 10 days for his antics.

here is what actually happend:
yeah your going to have to copy and paste that. cry me a fucking river.
this debate brings up more questions which I dont think the supreme court is thinking about. Try to follow this: What is the coolest way to get pot smoke into your body. The answer is obviosuly via bong. Bong have been ripped since before jesus was around. I even heard from a little bird that jesus ripped bong. Had the alaskan genious boy just said "jesus totally tokes" I might get pissed too. All im saying is give this guy a fucking break. At least he made bongs a large part of his poster. Thats funny! Anything that has to do with bongs for some reason is funny. Im really starting to lose focus here and this isnt the kind of thing I want to make more than a 20 minute project. Jesus christ.

If jesus is anything like me, I dont think he would trip off people ripping bong. If jesus returns the first people he is going to yell at (or whatever he does) will probably be the jersk who keep letting their dog poop in front of my house every single morning. Im going to start waking up at the crack of dawn urry morning and find out who this asshole is and then he will have hell to fucking pay. Im not kidding. His life will become a living hell. The first day I see him I am going to scoop up his dogs poop, then I will follow him to his house and nail him in the head with it. then until I die or move away, he will find poop collected from around the neighborhood smeared on his house. And if he calls the cops im gonna smear the poop on his house so it reads "snitch". This is street justice in its rawest form. learn about it.
"this is street justice in its rawest form"
oh man, huber, keep it coming!
i like the part about hiding your bong from jesus, I think he had the ability to bless bammer weed and make it kronik. tell me im wrong.
i miss and love you. im also pissed you saw stunna. again. really though, fuck you. ill be back in two weeks for the weekend, make sure its crackinous in the town. failure is not an option.
The real history of the bong!
post please
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