My Whip Game Tight

I bought a shitty car! its a 1994 ford taurus and it shuts off sometimes without warning while you are driving. Its very exciting. Although the car is not registered , uninsured, and I am not, nor have I ever been, in the possession of a drivers license, I felt it would be a purchase that would still improve my life. Its kind of like a little house I can go relax in when things get rough at the pad as well as great for an awesome hotbox via bong. When the previous owner saw my awesome jordans he could not help but offer up his unreliable auto to me for the sweet waffle stompers and an ice cold hundoh. I drove the car once to the liquor store which was scary enough but then I was so excited i drove it a little farther and was so scared I almost pooped in my pants. I kept checking in the rear view for the fuzz. It looks like a normal car except it has tinted windows and a shady looking SF sticker on the back. It has no radio and the doors dont lock. This is seeming like a worse and worse purchase the more I ponder it. Im going to see how long I can go siphoning gas from unfrotunate individuals. Hopefully this will continue longer than my not wanting to poop at work plan which barely surpassed a month and let me tell you once I started I just could not stop. Poop was shooting out of me like water from a fire hose! The open road is waiting for me like a randy woman who thinks I am someone else. $10 an hour, kind of fast cars, and kind of fast women.
You're on fuckin' point with this post mayne. Good job.
man, why ride dirty when ya gonna fuck ya neck up by lookin over ya shoulder?????.....cops run plates that tell whether the car is insured or not......ur gonna get bunked out no matter what, riiiiiide it till the blue liiiiights shiiiiiiine
1. sell the rims
2. scrap the fender and some other metal
3. ?
4. profit
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