A lesson to be learned...

It's a good thing I almost lit my house on fire. My head was getting pretty big. This sort of brought me back to reality. My roommate, who is known to give me a good beat-down every couple of weeks, can be ill-tempered at times. After the fire was put out I looked into his nazi-esque eyes and nothing needed to be said. I fucked up pretty bad and all the kidney punches in the world could not reinforce that any further. You live and you learn. In my case I learned that cigarettes could cause fires. I thought that was just an urban myth. I guess I was wrong.
Cellski - Playin Wit Fire
This is one of my favorite freestyle mix tape songs. off volume 1 which is my second favorite to volume 2. "we hustle hard from may to may."
Ohio Players - Fire
Fuck yeah.

i you have never masturbated to these guys album covers you are really missing out.

It could have been a lot worse.
If the flame had reached all of that flammable bucket paint I dont think I would have been able to contain the beast. The nylon chairs are also far from fire proof. If the fire had reached my roommates room, I would not be alive today to tell you this sad tale. For now I have the whole scene covered with trashbags that look like a fun fort so my upstairs neighbors dont see and snitch to my landlord. Im not moving back in my birthgivers. I aint going back!
WOOOOOOOOOOW. never thought id see that hapen, where do we put da cigs now?
This is the problem. If you do 3 posts and then dont do any for 3 months, people assume you dont write anymore. You have to post on a consistent basis.
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