Suddenly my penis is looking a bit larger!

There are countless benefits to having a small girlfriend. Where to begin I do not even know. Financially, the benefits are endless. Everything from paying 50 cents on MUNI and telling the driver she is your little sister to getting the 12 and under kids meal at Denny's, my girlfriends lack of mass comes in handy like a hankey! While she stays small my pockets stay relatively fat. I'm all about cutting corners. Think about this...

if you are throwing pokes to broads this size your penis is gonna look pretty small. This poor gentlemen pictured above probably has a normal sized penis but next to this behemoth woman he would be lucky to pleasure her with his leg.
side note: i have this great joke for when I finally get drunk enough to do some stand up comedy about having sex with Tahoe Tessie. The joke is how I am jumping on a trampoline using my body to enter whatever sort of sexual "hole" she may have. The punchline is me asking if she is close.
Anyhoo, having sex with short girls is highly recommended by me and I would even go as far as to say, "once you go small you never go tall!" Suddenly my (in my opinion) normal sized penis looks hella humungy next to my five foot feline. My (in my opinion) normal sized penis used to draw questions from girls such as "do you think I enjoy that?" and "I thought you said you had done this before?" That is all in the past as my penis now acts as a mode of transportation to (in my opinion) pleasuretown!
Fuckin amazing. Thank god your still posting
Yaaaah trick, YAAHAHAAAHA!!!
i thought you said you'd done this before!
i always get: maybe we'll finish this some other time, im tired, or not tonight...or ever.
as a shorty i appreciate the sentiment that "once you go small you never go tall" or whatever it was. you're funny.
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