Sunday, September 24, 2006

My Lovefest 06 Review

As soon as i left my house this morning, i could feel it in the air. The love, that is. Someone had mentioned lovefest to me previously but i forgot it was today. When i got on BART today i noticed a strangely large amount of unattractive women wearing outrageous clothing in groups toguether. I quickly came to the conclusion that today must be lovefest. Initially, i was not very excited. Lovefest is a festival which has no real idea behind it besides love and im kind of unclear on what such an event might entail.

lovefest sucks. its a bunch of fucks who like to freak out normies and think they are offending close minded people. i saw so many of these boots today i didnt know what to do. In my profession i kind of have to keep an eye out for crackheads and i was making some bad calls. I couldnt tell who the real crackheads were and werent because everyone was dressed like a hooker. Imagine trying to serve justice and being so confused. it really hard. San Francisco Love Fest is not your ordinary parade. This is the description given on the website: "Instead of standing on the sidelines watching it go by, everyone is encouraged to dance in the streets with the floats as the parade moves by." Wow. talk about taking the classic parade and putting a little raver twist to it. what a bunch of assholes. im down for a good parade that has to do with something. like ireland. lovefest is just a big rave but instead of some warehouse in west oakland its in downtown sf on a saturday afternoon. im even more down for folsom street fair (which i biked by on my way home from work the other day) because they have a real cause. im not sure what it is but it certainly has to do with leather. and im down for the gay community to get down. thy party hard.maybe harder than anyone else, except maybe sumoans. ravers are just weak. weak of the week is ravers for sure. although i did see a raver kid when i was at work with one of those balls that you kind of flip around in your hands. its the kind of ball i pretend i have in my hands sometimes. like im holding it with some weird jedi force. then i pass it to people. im sure my 4 or 5 avid readers know what i am talking about. holler at your dude. im shining let wet you know. and thats no typo

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The San Francisco Treat



10 for 10 dollars?! bu-what? my life can pretty much be broken down in terms of when the next time i am going to be able to eat some chicken pasta roni is. everything else is just filler. attempting to poke broads, work, friends, none of it seems to measure up to the awesome flavor and companionship which pasta roni has blessed me with. i dont even have to look at the box anymore. i know the ingredients off top. remember the chilimacurrito? rock one of those, pasta roni style! heat yourself up a tortilla, throw some pasta roni on there (chicken flavor obviosuly)and you have yourself a certified good time. they also have a flavor which is arguably better called chicken quesedilla. i figured hey, i like quesedillas hella much and you already know my feelings on chicken pasta roni so i gave it a whirl and was pleasantly suprised. its a lot like chicken pasta roni but with a spicy latin flavor thrown into the mix that makes the taste buds do the cha-cha-cha. you better believe it. pasta roni is straight crack. if some sort of situation occured in wich i was forced to give up cigarettes or pasta roni i would definently give up cigarettes. both products will probably kill you but i feel like the pasta roni will kill you slower and its delicious! folks at work ask me what i am doing later and i say, " i dont know. ill probably go home and eat some pasta roni." it may sound like a lame evening to those dooshbags but i assure you i am having a lot more fun eating pasta roni than they are kickign it in dolores park drinking sparks and hating on the man and people who own cars.

i realized although i mention madhatterbating from time to time i never went into appropriate detail about it. which i feel like maybe is should. i think of myself as a bit of an internet porn connosuer. i come across a lot of really interesting porn and although i may not be "utilizing" it, as others may, i can appreciate the concepts which internet porn companies come up with.

Wrong Side of Town

As far as i can understand, the concept behind this one is there are white women who get lost in the ghetto and end up getting gangbanged by lots of black dudes, who dont seem to treat them in a very gentemen like manner. not a very chivalrous move on the part of these black dudes but hey, im not gonna judge.

their mission statement reads as such:

see what we do to innocent babes who wander into our hood. these brothers lay lots of pipe for their little white hoes. Once they go black, they never go back!

cant argue with that. look at the unfortunate incident which happend to this fine caucasion woman:

i know what your thinking, not a very friendly looking bunch. but you'll never guess what happens next! they all have sex with her! read on...

Oh dear, our little honey loses a lot more than just her keys, she gets her head jammed in the door of a refridgerator while our gang plays with her pussy, then she gets locked in a cage! After that she gets fucked in every hole she has. Get a spare set of keys next time!!

head jammed in a refrigerator! locked in a cage! wow!
so if your into masterbating to things like this go for it. i want to make it clear that for me this is strictly entertainment of a non sexual nature. cop some pasta roni
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