Full of food. Set your alarm. Wake upon when alarm beckons. GET SOME FUCKING DOORBUSTERS! Retail prices are for assholes. Get a free gift. Become so excited you might explode. Drink some water. Cool Down. DOORBUSTERS! They call them doorbusters because when the store opens you bust in the fucking door and get your free gift and get some deals!
Go to liquor stores and ask what it do with the doorbusters. Demand doorbuster prices. Try to buy things from people on the street they are not selling. DO NOT settle for a high price. you deserve a doorbuster.
Do not limit doorbusters to buying things. Involve doorbusters in your sex life.
Everyone thinks women are the only thing that like the doorbuster but this is not true. Man like the doorbuster to. big TV? SIIIIIIICK! better bust in. doorbusters!