I pose a question:
Is it possible to ride a certain type of bicycle and not be an asshole?
For me, apparently it is not.
I once hated fixed gears. I thought they were horrible and I thought the people who rode them were horrible. I felt this way for a long time.
One day I found a fixed gear. I always thought it was cool. It was a guilty pleasure like the counting crows. This turned me into a fixed gear sympathizer. "Yeah I have a fixed gear, but I'm not like those other assholes who ride them," I thought. And for a while I wasnt...
Fast forward two years later and I am just another hipster who has a fixed gear. I judge people who have brakes. I think to myself, "You might think you are cool with your fixed gear but you have a brake. You are a loser. Oh, you put your foot down at red lights? You are an idiot. I can track stand all day. I could probably jerk off and trackstand. If you know any girls that want to fellate me while I trackstand send them my way. As long as she have feather earrings. I am better than you, not only at fixed gearing, but probably at life."
This should give you a pretty good idea about how insecure I am.
I constantly feel the need to go faster than everyone. When I bike down market, I need to be ahead of the pack. If someone thinks they can go faster than me, I will literally do whatever I need to to keep up or pass them.
I can skid stop with the best of them. I will rock out on a 15 foot skid with some sweet fishtailing in front of girls at busstops and think it is moistening their vaginas when in reality they probably think, "what an idiot."
I started all of this with the intention that I would exist as just another person on a bicycle. As you can see, it did not turn out that way.
Its sad, but that is an incredibly accurate representation of how I feel as I ride my fixed gear bicycle around.
Why not have brakes? my ego...
It is hard to admit, but I would never ride a fixed gear bike with a brake. I should be able to. I should be able to not care what people think about me and live my life as best I know how. But...I will not ride with a brake.
If anyone actually reads this, your opinion of me will no doubt go downhill. That is ok. As I said, this is how I feel for better or worse.
Dont cry