whoa. have you ever been to a club. im 20, so ive been to a couple bars but nevers sometang you need to dress up for before. its a wild game. heres the plan for a dude like me. i work or worked, a lot in the sun and am kind of a tan typer dude. i was able to convince the mothe of these two broads i was hollering at that i, like them, was also part el salvadorian and that i could relate to the struglle. unfortunatley, the mothes of these duce bots wasnt trying to relay game so the bone lost. none the less,
i did apprehend my first shoplifting supsect, which as i did not explain in my presious post, is my new profession, a a certain store which i will not mention, lest you know how much of a vagina i am, you would probably want to steal fromm there on principal. but these bitch ass broad got rappped although i let her go and the merchandise which is oh so important (this stupid as bitch stole a shirt with some faded print on it which looked like something some band from the 80's might wear whcih i guess is cool with a fake ass tie on it, well your boy let her go and uesss what? she was white, which rules
fuck the club, i look like an idiot wearing my saved out roomates clothes. what a sad life. i serioutley, (and the pellllling for real) hate my life, when i know how i will post my naughty girl remix called naughty dude. the intenets is going crazy.
cop that history in the making because i might be a bay dude but jr is whats up. big apple beezwax tomarow. all day. trying to poke one of my dudes ladies friends which is definetley the game plan