isnt it weird that when a girl gets smashed by hella dudes she is a slut while when a dude pokes hella broads he is like, a bossman? i got chesthair

yeah, my chest is pretty hairy. so whaaaat?
i used to go to water parks all the time. remember when that waterpark, i cant remember what its called but those seniors in highschool died when they all piled into the slide and it fell. it was very sad but my moms took full advatnage of the situation by realizing no one would want to go to the waterpark after people had met their fate on the wild ride of gods sweet nectar:water.
No lines baby! i was awesome. recently i realized that i have not been to a waterpark since my surplus of chest hair came to be. not that i have a problem with "showing off the goods" but i like to only show me chest hair to broads i am actively tryin to pokes (which isnt many) and good friends of mine and their girlfriends while i haves been drinking. I figure there must be plenty fo dudes who have hairy chests at the waterpark. but what if there arent? it looks even more gross after i emerge from a body of water. the hair is all long and wet. it looks like i shaved a long haired cat and glued the hairs to my chest. and the cat had been taking a bath. so the cat was looking kidn fo sad. like this cat:

here is a fun activity. google image search "wet cat". nonstop comedy.

^^^this one is funnier but didnt as closely resemble my chest hairs when wet.

either you have been living in a cave, for like forever, or you are farmiliar with the section of homosexual dudes called the bears. as i understand it, and i am pretty confident that i do, they are larger dudes who have lots of chest hair. so i was thinking, not that i would want to be, but could i pass for a bear? peep the picture of me on a roof, 2took, in the big apple. is that bear material? maybe i should contact a bear. ask an authority on the subject. but if i ask a bear, might he see this as some sort of sexual pass at him? do bears only poke other bears? i think so. i guess it doesnt really matter but i am kind of a big dude and im nots talking aboot tall-wise. im talking about fat. and im hella hairy.
Throw a lip on this!


oh boy.
thats right. throw a 4 peet chicken tendah on a slice of pie and your good to go. its doesnt have to be blondies. its just right where i work. and bk is right there too so its totally sweet. in fact, i dont think you should go to blondies because its pretty weak. blondies i guess is the weak of the week.